本章节将讲解如何在 ubuntu18.04.6 搭建 T113s3prov1.3 sdnand版本的开发环境。
首先,在Windows上访问下面的论坛地址,打开Tina5-SDK基础包获取:tina5.0-sdk下载地址 。
通过百度网盘下载,大小约3.3G,名称为tina5sdk-bsp-50ae436fe556be2253856af283b1e094.tar.gz 下载完成后通过网络等方式拷贝到虚拟机目录下。
把基础包拷贝到虚拟机之后,执行 以下指令,进行解压:
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~$ tar -xvf tina5sdk-bsp-50ae436fe556be2253856af283b1e094.tar.gz
以上只是获取一个Tina5-SDK的一个基础包,并 不是完整 的SDK源码,还需要获取执行以下几步,才可以得到一个完整的Tina5-SDK源码包。
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~$ cd tina5sdk-bsp/
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~/tina5sdk-bsp$ git clone https://e.coding.net/weidongshan/tina5/buildroot.git
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~/tina5sdk-bsp$ git clone https://e.coding.net/weidongshan/tina5/openwrt.git
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~/tina5sdk-bsp$ git clone https://e.coding.net/weidongshan/tina5/platform.git
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~/tina5sdk-bsp$ ls
brandy build buildroot build.sh device kernel openwrt platform prebuilt tools
rm /home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/platform/allwinner/wireless/firmware/aic8800/aic8800d80/* -rf
rm /home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/kernel/linux-5.4/drivers/net/wireless/aic8800/ -rf
rm /home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/brandy/brandy-2.0/spl-pub/* -rf
基于T113s3pro v1.3 sdnand版本开发板,我们提供了一个扩展补丁包,执行以下指令,获取扩展支持仓库,然后加以应用,
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~/tina5sdk-bsp$ cd ~/
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~$ git clone https://github.com/DongshanPI/T113S3-PRO_TinaSDK5.git
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~$ cd T113S3-PRO_TinaSDK5
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~/T113S3-PRO_TinaSDK5$ git submodule update --init
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~/T113S3-PRO_TinaSDK5$ cp ./* -rfvd ~/tina5sdk-bsp
进入 sdk 源码根目录 tina5sdk-bsp
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~$ cd tina5sdk-bsp/
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~/tina5sdk-bsp$ rm .buildconfig
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~/tina5sdk-bsp$ source build/envsetup.sh
NOTE: The SDK(/home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp) was successfully loaded
load openwrt... ok
Please run lunch next for openwrt.
load buildroot,bsp...ok
Invoke . build/quick.sh from your shell to add the following functions to your environment:
croot - Changes directory to the top of the tree
cbsp - Changes directory to the bsp
cbsptest - Changes directory to the bsptest
ckernel - Changes directory to the kernel
cbrandy - Changes directory to the brandy
cboot - Changes directory to the uboot
cbr - Changes directory to the buildroot
cchips - Changes directory to the board
cconfigs - Changes directory to the board's config
cbin - Changes directory to the board's bin
cdts - Changes directory to the kernel's dts
ckernelout - Changes directory to the kernel output
cout - Changes directory to the product's output
copenssl - Changes directory to the product's openssl-1.0.0
Usage: build.sh [args]
build.sh - default build all
build.sh bootloader - only build bootloader
build.sh kernel - only build kernel
build.sh buildroot_rootfs - only build buildroot
build.sh menuconfig - edit kernel menuconfig
build.sh saveconfig - save kernel menuconfig
build.sh recovery_menuconfig - edit recovery menuconfig
build.sh recovery_saveconfig - save recovery menuconfig
build.sh buildroot_menuconfig - edit buildroot menuconfig
build.sh buildroot_saveconfig - save buildroot menuconfig
build.sh clean - clean all
build.sh distclean - distclean all
build.sh pack - pack firmware
build.sh pack_debug - pack firmware with debug info output to card0
build.sh pack_secure - pack firmware with secureboot
Usage: pack [args]
pack - pack firmware
pack -d - pack firmware with debug info output to card0
pack -s - pack firmware with secureboot
pack -sd - pack firmware with secureboot and debug info output to card0
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~/tina5sdk-bsp$ ./build.sh
All available platform:
0. android
1. linux
Choice [android]: 1
All available linux_dev:
0. bsp
1. buildroot
2. openwrt
Choice [bsp]: 1
All available ic:
0. t113
1. t113_i
Choice [t113]: 0
All available board:
0. dev
1. evb1
2. evb1_auto
3. evb1_auto_nor
4. pro
Choice [dev]: 2
All available flash:
0. default
1. nor
Choice [default]: 0
INFO: Prepare toolchain ...
INFO: kernel defconfig: generate /home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/out/t113/kernel/build/.config by /home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/device/config/chips/t113/configs/evb1_auto/linux-5.4/config-5.4
INFO: Prepare toolchain ...
make: Entering directory '/home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/kernel/linux-5.4'
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/out/t113/kernel/build'
GEN Makefile
*** Default configuration is based on '../../../../../device/config/chips/t113/configs/evb1_auto/linux-5.4/config-5.4'
# No change to .config
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/out/t113/kernel/build'
make: Leaving directory '/home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/kernel/linux-5.4'
make: Entering directory '/home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/buildroot/buildroot-201902'
GEN /home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/out/t113/evb1_auto/buildroot/buildroot/Makefile
Config.in.legacy:1769:warning: choice value used outside its choice group
# configuration written to /home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/out/t113/evb1_auto/buildroot/buildroot/.config
make: Leaving directory '/home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/buildroot/buildroot-201902'
INFO: buildroot defconfig is sun8iw20p1_t113_defconfig
INFO: clean buildserver
INFO: prepare_buildserver
========ACTION List: build_linuxdev;========
options :
INFO: ----------------------------------------
INFO: build linuxdev ...
INFO: chip: sun8iw20p1
INFO: platform: linux
INFO: kernel: linux-5.4
INFO: board: evb1_auto
INFO: output: /home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/out/t113/evb1_auto/buildroot
INFO: ----------------------------------------
INFO: don't build dtbo ...
INFO: build arisc
find: '/home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/brandy/brandy-2.0/spl': No such file or directory
find: '/home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/brandy/dramlib': No such file or directory
INFO: build_bootloader: brandy_path=/home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/brandy/brandy-2.0
INFO: skip build brandy.
INFO: build kernel ...
INFO: prepare_buildserver
INFO: Prepare toolchain ...
Makefile:681: arch//Makefile: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target 'arch//Makefile'. Stop.
ERROR: build Failed
INFO: build kernel failed
首次编译,会出现以上报错,加上参数 -d
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~/tina5sdk-bsp$ ./build.sh -d
========ACTION List: build_linuxdev;========
options :
INFO: ----------------------------------------
INFO: build linuxdev ...
INFO: chip: sun8iw20p1
INFO: platform: linux
INFO: kernel: linux-5.4
INFO: board: evb1_auto
INFO: output: /home/ubuntu/tina5sdk-bsp/out/t113/evb1_auto/buildroot
INFO: ----------------------------------------
INFO: don't build dtbo ...
INFO: build arisc
Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, xz compressed, data block size 131072
compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, no xattrs
duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 56836.34 Kbytes (55.50 Mbytes)
38.89% of uncompressed filesystem size (146148.83 Kbytes)
Inode table size 54570 bytes (53.29 Kbytes)
23.73% of uncompressed inode table size (229985 bytes)
Directory table size 70900 bytes (69.24 Kbytes)
49.04% of uncompressed directory table size (144579 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 37
Number of inodes 6685
Number of files 5570
Number of fragments 397
Number of symbolic links 813
Number of device nodes 0
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 302
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 1
Number of uids 1
root (0)
Number of gids 1
root (0)
INFO: pack rootfs ok ...
INFO: ----------------------------------------
INFO: build Tina OK.
INFO: ----------------------------------------
ubuntu@ubuntu1804:~/tina5sdk-bsp$ ./build.sh pack
镜像打包完成后,执行 cout